# 2021亚米面膜节 #Keeping the face has a "membrane" to create healthy and vibrant muscles ❤️LULULUN green mask evaluation This LULULUN green water and oil balance mask is one of its series products for mature skin, and it focuses on the balance of water and oil in the face. Next, let me give the baby a detailed evaluation of this mask. 🍀Mask material The mask paper is made of high-fit mask paper, neither thick nor thin, with a 3-layer moisturizing structure, which is very gentle and docile. It has the same texture and size as his basic mask paper, and needs to be stretched to cover the whole face. LULULUN Enhanced Green Water Oil Balancing Mask Single Sheet - Yamibuy $2.49(Available Price) 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask L22 Essential Oil - natural botanical ingredients that gently soften the skin; a-glucan oligosaccharide - increase skin "beauty bacteria" to create healthy and vibrant skin. Moss cell culture extract — extracts the vitality of ancient moss cells; homeo-age seaweed extract - rich in minerals and vitamins to support skin health from within. 🍀How to use: After cleansing, use toner to cleanse the skin; Take out the mask and stick it on the face; After 5-10 minutes, remove and pat the remaining essence until absorbed. 🍀Feeling This green mask is suitable for mature skin and is slightly more expensive than the basic mask. I happen to have sensitive, oily, and mature skin. I often stay up late lately, and my T-zone is prone to oil. This mask doesn't smell much. The official introduction is that it is pigment-free, fragrance-free and alcohol-free. When you first apply it on your face, you will feel a slight tingling sensation. The essence is not much or not. The skin is not particularly moisturizing, but the skin on the face feels smooth and firm, not sticky. It does seem to have the effect of controlling oil and maintaining the balance of water and oil. Use it a few times and see the effect! # 一周瘦身大作战 # Continue to apply a mask to do yoga stretching, a mask every day, stretching for 10 minutes!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #驻颜有“膜”,缔造健康活力肌❤️LULULUN绿色面膜测评 这款LULULUN绿色水油平衡面膜是它家针对熟龄肌推出的系列产品之一,主打驻颜水油平衡。接下来让我给宝宝们详细测评下这款面膜吧。 🍀面膜材质 面膜纸采用的是高贴合面膜纸,不厚不薄,3层保湿结构,十分温和服帖。与他家基础款的面膜纸质感是一样的,大小也差不多,需要拉伸才能覆盖全脸。 日本LULULUN 加强版绿色水油平衡面膜 单片入 - 亚米网 $2.49(到手价) 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 L22 精华油— 天然植物成分,温和柔润肌肤; a-葡聚糖寡糖—增加肌肤“美容菌”,打造健康活力美肌。 苔藓细胞培养提取物— 提取古老青苔细胞的生命力; homeo-age海藻提取物— 富含矿物质和维他命,由内维持皮肤健康。 🍀使用方法: 洁面后先用柔肤水清洁下肌肤; 取出面膜,贴在脸部; 等待5-10分钟后取下把剩余精华轻拍至吸收。 🍀使用感受 这款绿色面膜适合熟龄肌肤使用,比基础版面膜稍微贵一丢丢。本人正好是敏感混油熟龄肌肤,最近常熬夜,T区容易出油。这款面膜闻起来没有什么味道,官方介绍是无色素、无香精、无酒精,刚敷上脸时会有轻微刺痛感,精华液不多不少,面膜敷起来很服帖,敷完后脸部没有特别水润,但感觉脸部肌肤摸起来光滑紧致,不粘腻,看起来确实有控油保持水油平衡的效果,多用几次,再看看效果吧! # 一周瘦身大作战 # 继续敷面膜做瑜伽拉伸,每天一片面膜,拉伸运动10分钟!