# 2021亚米面膜节 #Spring Rain Mask has always been very famous. I bought a box from Yami and I have used 5 pieces so far. The main functions of this mask are moisturizing, moisturizing, and shrinking pores. First of all, let’s talk about the taste. How can you say that the mask also smells? Um! This mask really smells good and it's still sweet! Hahaha! Mainly honey! As soon as you open the package, there is a sweet smell, which is a super sweet smell of honey, which makes people feel an urge to eat! Then the mask paper is very thin, super thin, I think it is the thinnest and thinnest mask I have ever used among so many masks! There is a lot of essence, and when I put it on my face, it keeps flowing down~ The moisturizing effect is very good, it is very moisturizing and moisturizing, and there is no fake slippery feeling at all.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #春雨面膜一向很出名,在亚米买了一盒,目前用了5片,使用感不错,来说下心得吧! 这款面膜的功效主要有补水、保湿、缩小毛孔。 首先说下味道,怎么说面膜也有味道?嗯!这款面膜的确很有味道,而且还是甜的!哈哈哈!主要是有蜂蜜啊! 一打开包装就有一股甜蜜的气息,是超级好闻的蜂蜜味,让人闻了一种想吃的冲动!然后面膜纸是很薄,超级薄,我觉得是这么多面膜中我用过最薄最薄的面膜了吧! 精华液超级多,多的我贴到脸上的时候一直往下流~补水效果非常好,非常保湿和滋润,没有丝毫假滑感。