# 一周瘦身大作战 # Fat Reduction Dinner - Salt Baked Chicken Made with Secret Salt Baked Powder Chicken is a good source of protein, especially for sports and fitness, more protein is needed to form muscles. So I recently bought a large package of chicken thighs and tried a series of chicken thigh recipes, with the goal of finding a simple and delicious recipe for chicken thighs. The practice of today's test is salt-baked chicken made with secret salt-baked powder. The practice is as follows: 🥙 Ingredients: A pack of Dongjiang salt-baked chicken powder (about 28g) 5 large chicken thighs 🥘 Practice ☘️Rinse and dry the chicken thighs, coat the chicken thighs with a small amount of salt-baked chicken powder inside and outside, put them on a plate, and steam until cooked (30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken thighs, chopsticks can easily pass through) , Don't spill the original juice steamed from the plate, put it in a bowl; ☘️Put an appropriate amount of oil in a hot pot and cook for a while, add the remaining salted chicken powder, a little sesame oil and the original juice left over from the steaming of the chicken legs to make a thin paste. After boiling, pour it on the surface of the chicken legs! This salt-baked chicken method is recommended on the seasoning package. It is very simple to make, but the taste is very ordinary. The meat is not tender, and the skin is not crispy. I didn't choose this salt-baked chicken powder, or steaming it is not as delicious as the rice cooker! In the past, I used salt-baked chicken powder to bake a whole chicken in a rice cooker. The taste seems to be better than the effect of steaming. In short, this method is not recommended, although it is very simple and nutritious! # 今日份家常菜 #
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# 一周瘦身大作战 # 减脂大餐—秘制盐焗粉制作的盐焗鸡 鸡肉是补充蛋白质的好来源,尤其是运动健身必不可少的要多补充蛋白质才会形成肌肉。于是最近买了一大包鸡腿,试验了一系列鸡腿的做法,目标就是找到既简单又美味的鸡腿做法。今天试验的做法是秘制盐焗粉制作的盐焗鸡,做法如下: 🥙食材: 东江盐焗鸡粉一包(28g左右) 大鸡腿5只 🥘做法 ☘️将鸡腿洗净擦干水分,用少量盐焗鸡粉涂匀鸡腿内外,放入盘子中,蒸至熟透(30-40分钟,试鸡腿大小而定,筷子能轻松穿过就熟了),盘子里蒸出来的原汁不要泼掉,用碗装起来; ☘️热锅放入适量的油烧一会,加入剩余盐焗鸡粉、少许麻油和蒸鸡腿时剩下的原汁调成稀糊,煮沸后淋在鸡腿表面即可! 这个盐焗鸡的做法是调料包上推荐的,做起来十分简单,但味道很一般,肉不算鲜嫩,外皮也不脆,远不如电饭煲只用海盐盐焗的鸡腿好吃,不知道是因为这个盐焗鸡粉没选好呢,还是用蒸的方法就是不如电饭煲焗的好吃!以前用盐焗鸡粉再电饭煲里焗过一整只鸡,味道似乎比蒸的效果好,总之不是太推荐这种做法, 虽然很简单也很营养! # 今日份家常菜 #