# 2021亚米面膜节 #Sensitive Dry Skin Saver❤️JM SOLUTION Amino Acid Hydrating First Aid Injection Mask Review Recently, I have bought a lot of JM SOLUTION masks because it is cheap and easy to use. This is the first time to use this amino acid hydrating first aid injection mask. The packaging is very special, it is transparent, and it looks very interesting. Next, let me evaluate this mask for babies. 🍀Mask material The texture of the healthy moisture cupro fiber mask is a bit thick, light yellow and translucent, like oil paper, but it fits well with the contour of the face, and it is quite comfortable to apply. Korea JM SOLUTION Amino Acid Hydrating First Aid Injection Mask Single Sheet $1.5(arrive price) 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask 1. Super 5 kinds of hyaluronic acid - absorbs a lot of moisture, locks in moisture and forms a strong moisture protective film to keep skin hydrated; 2. 3 kinds of vitality peptides - Rejuvenate the fragile and lost skin, replenish vitality and restore skin elasticity. 3. Xylitol glucoside AQUAXYL—strengthen the stratum corneum to create smooth and plump skin; 4. PANTHENOL - promotes cell growth, lubricates and moisturizes the skin. 5. Allantoin ALLANTOIN - reduce skin irritation and effectively treat damaged skin. 🍀How to use: 1. After cleansing, use toner to clean the skin; 3. Mix the essential oil ampoules into the essence, squeeze firmly until the essential oil ampoules are squeezed dry; 4. In order to achieve the best use of essential oil ampoules and essences, gently rub the outer packaging of the mixed mask to make it fully mixed; 5. Take out the mask paper and fit it on the face; 6. After 10-20 minutes, remove and pat the remaining essence until absorbed. 🍀 Overall feeling This JM amino acid moisturizing mask is quite special. The mask and the high moisturizing essential oil essence are separated from each other. It is necessary to mix the essential oil essence and the mask evenly before applying. This step is a bit complicated. Good essential oils can be better for moisturizing care. The amount of essential oil is very sufficient, in the form of light blue oil. Although it is essential oil, it is not very greasy on the hands, and the absorption is also very good. After applying it, the facial skin becomes moist and shiny, although it is dry skin. Great savior, my oily-combination skin is not too oily, not sticky, and has a good absorption effect. The next day, the skin seems to be in a state of water and oil balance, which is very good, it is worth a try🥰
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yami_featured_image # 2021亚米面膜节 #敏干皮大救星❤️JM SOLUTION 氨基酸补水急救针剂面膜测评 最近入了好多JM SOLUTION的面膜,因为它家既便宜又好用。这款氨基酸补水急救针剂面膜第一次用,包装非常特别,是透明的,看起来很有意思,接下来就让我给宝宝们测评下这款面膜吧。 🍀面膜材质 采用健康水分铜氨纤维面膜质地,有点厚,淡黄色半透明,像油纸,但与面部轮廓度贴合度还是不错的,敷起来蛮舒适。 韩国JM SOLUTION 氨基酸补水急救针剂面膜 单片入 $1.5(到手价) 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 1. 超强5种透明质酸— 吸收大量水分,锁住水分并形成强力的水分保护膜,保持肌肤水润; 2. 3种活力胜肽— 让脆弱失去活力的肌肤重现生机,给肌肤补充活力,恢复肌肤弹性。 3. 木糖醇基葡萄糖苷AQUAXYL— 强化角质层,打造光滑饱满肌肤; 4. 泛醇PANTHENOL—促进细胞生长,润滑保湿肌肤。 5. 尿囊素ALLANTOIN—减少对肌肤的刺激,有效治疗受损肌肤。 🍀使用方法: 1. 洁面后先用柔肤水清洁下肌肤; 3. 将精油安瓶计入精华中混合,用力挤压,直到精油安瓶被挤干; 4. 为了达到精油安瓶和精华使用的最佳效果,轻轻揉搓混合面膜外包装,使其充分混合; 5. 取出面膜纸,贴合脸部; 6. 等待10-20分钟后取下把剩余精华轻拍至吸收。 🍀整体感受 这款JM氨基酸补水面膜比较特别,面膜与高保湿精油精华为相互分离的状态,需要先将精油精华与面膜混合均匀才能敷,这一步操作起来有点复杂,两只手需要配合才能完成,这样混合好的精油才能更好的进行保湿护理。 精油量都很足,呈淡蓝色油状,虽然是精油,但抹在手上并不是十分油腻,吸收度也很好,敷完后,脸部肌肤变得水润富有光泽,虽说是干皮大救星,我这个混油皮用起来也不太油,不黏腻,吸收效果很好,第二天皮肤看起来是水油平衡的状态,非常好,值得试一试喔🥰