#2021亚米面膜节 #韩JM SOLUTION Guangyao Reservoir Tocopherol Fresh Orange Vitamin C Hydrating Whitening Mask ❤️ Refreshing, moisturizing, brightening skin This JM SOLUTION Guangyao Reservoir Tocopherol Fresh Orange Vitamin C Moisturizing and Whitening Mask was also introduced a while ago. The first time I used it, it felt very good, and it has become my new favorite for daily masks. Next, let me test this mask for babies. 🍊Mask packaging With black glossy packaging and orange as the main image, it is eye-catching and generous, and it looks very luxurious and fresh. 🍊Mask material The ultra-thin transparent mask paper fits the face very well, the touch is very soft, and the essence is very sufficient. After applying the mask, there is a lot of leftovers, which can be used to wipe the neck and hands, refreshing and not greasy, like it! 🍊Mask main ingredients and efficacy 🍀Contains 5 levels of hyaluronic acid, maintains skin moisture, forms a protective film, and has a good moisturizing degree; 🍀Containing vitamin C and vitamin E ingredients, can prevent the increase of moisture, increase moisture retention, maintain skin tone, and care for the skin; 🍀Containing resveratrol and 9 kinds of peptides, it can make the skin rejuvenated and firm; 🍊Overall use experience After using this mask, it is similar to that of Centella asiatica. The skin is very moisturizing, delicate and comfortable. The essence is not sticky at all, and the absorption is very good. The next day, the face still feels soft and tender. As a sensitive skin, I don't feel any discomfort at all. It is estimated that the skin will glow with natural and healthy luster after prolonged use! Children who like it may wish to try it! 🥰🥰
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #韩JM SOLUTION光耀水库生育酚鲜橙维C补水美白面膜❤️清爽保湿,亮白肌肤 这款JM SOLUTION 光耀水库生育酚鲜橙维C补水美白面膜也是前阵子搞活动入的,第一次使用感觉非常好,已我的日常面膜新宠。接下来就让我给宝宝们测评下这款面膜吧。 🍊面膜包装 采用黑色亮面包装、橙子为主图,醒目大方,看上去很奢华清新。 🍊面膜材质 超薄的透明面膜纸,十分贴合面部,触感十分柔软,而且精华液特别充足,敷完面膜后都有不少剩余,可以用来抹脖子和手部,清爽不油腻,赞一个! 🍊面膜主要成分与功效 🍀含有5重透明质酸,维持肌肤水分,形成保护膜,保湿度好; 🍀含维生素C和维生素E成分,能防止水分增发,增加水分保湿力,维持肌肤色调,呵护肌肤; 🍀含白藜芦醇和9种胜肽,能使肌肤焕发活力,弹力紧致; 🍊整体使用感受 用完这款面膜后,跟积雪草那款差不多,皮肤非常保湿细嫩,很舒服,精华一点也不粘腻,吸收度非常好,第二天起来脸部摸起来仍然是水嫩嫩的。 作为敏感肌,一点也没有感到任何不适,估计持久使用肌肤会焕发自然健康的光泽吧!喜欢的宝宝们不妨试试哦!🥰🥰