# 2021亚米面膜节 #Speedy hydration, luxuriously lustrous moisturizing skin ❤️ LULULUN Pink Oil Control Moisturizing Mask Review This is one of the basic masks I bought from the Japanese LULULUN family. It focuses on oil control and moisturizing. It feels pretty good after use. Let me share with you my review of this mask! 🍀Mask material The materials of the lululun masks that I have used so far are all the same. They use natural cellulose mask paper, which is not particularly thin, but feels comfortable to the touch and fits closely to the facial skin. The mask paper is relatively large and the design is quite reasonable. Basically, it can cover a big face like me, around the eyes and lips, which is very good. 🍀Main ingredients and efficacy of mask 1. Paeonia suffruticosa flower extract - the effect of vitamin D, which brings inner strength and rejuvenates the skin; 2. Yeast extract - improve the skin's bacterial state, improve the skin's barrier, and bring delicate and shiny skin; 3. Glucono-oligosaccharide - fermentation energy extracted from natural sugars, improve skin condition and bring soft and smooth skin. 🍀How to use: 1. After cleansing, use toner to clean the skin; 2. Take out the mask and stick it on the face; 3. Leave on for about 5 minutes, and gently wrap the skin with the palm of your hand for better effect; 4. Fold the mask and gently apply it on the face like a cotton pad. It is better to use it with its moisturizing cream. 🍀 Overall feeling This pink mask is also one of its ace masks. I bought a single-piece, and it also has a more cost-effective pump box. The mask is the same, that is, it is not individually packaged. Its masks are all pigment-free, fragrance-free, and alcohol-free. When you first apply it to your face, you will feel a slight tingling sensation. The essence is not much or not. The mask is very docile when applied. It is not sticky at all, and the moisturizing effect is very good. The next day, the face feels in a balanced state of water and oil. It is not dry or oily, and it looks lustrous and shiny, which is very good! 🍀Recommendation: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #极速补水,奢享莹润水光肌❤️ LULULUN粉红色控油保湿面膜测评 这是我买的日本LULULUN 家的基础款面膜之一,主打控油保湿,用完感觉还蛮不错,给大家分享下我对这款面膜的测评吧! 🍀面膜材质 目前用过的lululun面膜的材质都一样,采用了天然纤维素面膜纸,不是特别薄,但触感舒适,紧密贴合面部肌肤。面膜纸比较大,设计也蛮合理,基本上也能覆盖像我一样的大脸庞,眼周,唇部也能覆盖,非常不错。 🍀面膜主要成分与功效 1. 芍药花提取物——维他命d功效,带来有内心生的力量,重赋肌肤新生活力; 2. 酵母提取物— 改善肌肤常在菌状态,提高肌肤屏障力,带来细腻光泽肌; 3. 低聚葡寡糖— 天然糖分种提取的发酵能量,提升肌肤状态,带来柔软润滑肌肤。 🍀使用方法: 1. 洁面后先用柔肤水清洁下肌肤; 2. 取出面膜,贴在脸部; 3. 敷5分钟左右,用手掌轻轻包覆肌肤效果更佳; 4. 将面膜折叠如同化妆棉一般轻轻敷在脸上,配合它家的保湿面霜使用更好。 🍀整体感受 这款粉红色面膜也是它家的王牌面膜之一,我买的是单片装,它家还有性价比更高的抽盒装,面膜是一样的,就是非独立包装。它家的面膜都是无色素、无香精、无酒精,刚敷上脸时会有轻微刺痛感,精华液不多不少,面膜敷起来很服帖,敷完后,皮肤变得水润,一点也不黏腻,补水效果很好,第二天起来脸部摸起来是水油平衡的状态,不干不油,看起来莹润有光泽,非常不错! 🍀推荐度:🌟🌟🌟🌟