# 2021亚米面膜节 #Water light honey mask is also a moisturizing mask from jm's family, which mainly focuses on moisturizing, moisturizing the skin and anti-oxidation. It is suitable for a wide range of people. If your face is dry and dehydrated, you can try it. The ingredients of the mask are water light, hyaluronic acid and propolis royal jelly. The mask is very docile, I applied it for 15 minutes, and the moment I peeled off the mask, I felt the silky feeling of the mask. After washing my face, I feel that the skin is slightly brightened, and the long-term effect remains to be seen.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #水光蜂蜜面膜也是jm家的一款补水型面膜,主打保湿补水、滋润肌肤和抗氧化。 适合人群很广泛,如果你脸部干燥缺水会有皱纹可以试试。面膜的成分有水光、玻尿酸和蜂胶蜂王浆。 面膜很服帖,我敷了15分钟,撕下面膜的那一刻感觉到面膜的拉丝感。洗完脸后有感觉皮肤有少许提亮,长期效果有待观察。