# 2021亚米面膜节 # snp Bird's Nest Hydrating Marine Mask is suitable for all skin types, especially for dry and oily skin. The main functions are soothing and repairing, deep moisturizing, and balancing water and oil. The concentrated active ingredients of bird's nest and triple hyaluronic acid molecules in this mask can effectively soothe and repair, deeply hydrate, balance water and oil, supply skin vitality, protect and soothe fragile skin, and on the other hand, promote collagen production. This mask is suitable for those with enlarged pores, dull skin, and dry, peeling skin. The texture of the mask is light and soft to the touch, there is no burden on the face, and the water-locking effect is very good. After applying it, the face can enhance the luster and improve the skin's lack of water.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 # snp燕窝补水海洋面膜适合所有肤质,特别适合干燥和外油内干肌肤使用。功效主打舒缓修复、深层补水、平衡水油。 这款面膜中的燕窝的浓缩活性成分和三重玻尿酸分子,有效舒缓修复、深层补水、平衡水油,供给肌肤活力,保护并安抚脆弱肌肤,另一方面也促进胶原蛋白生成。这款面膜适合毛孔粗大、皮肤暗黄、干燥脱皮的肤质。 面膜的质地摸着轻薄柔软,敷在脸上没有负担,并且锁水效果非常好,敷完脸有提升光泽和改善皮肤缺水现象。