Lazy Hot Pot Unboxing~

Hello everyone, I'm an alcoholic. Today I finally remembered to clear up the photos. The series of unpacking photos of the products I took in those years(*´Д)

This group is lazy hot pot(;< span class="s2">Д)y

It looks like this, the red and red packaging looks like that spicy soup baseヽ(∀≦)

After dismemberment:( ̄▽ ̄)

This lazy hot pot is vegan. As a carnivore, I can only add it silently(T ^ T)

In order to protect my dear wooden table (in order not to be beaten to death by the landlord?), I put layer after layer of thermal pads on it (--`; )

It is suggested that you must pay attention to heat protection when eating, otherwise your beautiful table may be discolored💩 p>

The hot pot is here! ! Lazy Hot Pot is really fun! And it is a must-have item for travel. You are not afraid to starve to death when you go out. It all depends on it(۶* '')۶ p>

Let's talk about the evaluation, I personally think the lazy hot pot box is too small,

There are very few ingredients that can be put in, and it is quite full after adding a little more, which is a pity. In addition, in terms of ingredients, lotus root is too raw for me, but the others are ok. Sichuan noodles are delicious.

For those who don't like spicy food, this is too spicy, it would be better to cook it in a pot, because you can add more water, but then the box becomes a tasteless _(:3 ⌒゙)_ p>

Curiously my baby was like me, I couldn't help but cut open the heat pack to see what was inside( ▽→)

It looks like something like lime powder (?)

Thank you for watching my article, please give me a like if you like it! o(ω)o

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分屍後:( ̄▽ ̄)

這款懶人火鍋是全素的,作為一個食肉獸,我也只能默默加料了(T ^ T)

為了保護親愛的木桌子(為了不被房東打死?),我為它墊了一層又一層的防熱墊(--`; )


熱呼呼的火鍋出爐了!!懶人火鍋真的好好玩喔!而且是旅行必備好物,出門在外不怕餓死,全靠它(۶* '')۶



對於不太能吃辣的人來說,這款是太辣了,用鍋煮會更好,因為可以多加水,但這時候盒子就成了雞肋了_(:3 ⌒゙)_

好奇寶寶如我,沒忍住剪開了發熱包,想看看裡頭是什麼( ▽→)

