# 2021亚米面膜节 #Japan LULULUN Basic White Repair Brightening Whitening Mask This is the first time I bought a mask from LULULUN in Japan. Their mask is quite famous. This white basic repair and brightening beauty mask is one of its classic models. It mainly focuses on repairing, brightening and whitening after sun exposure. It contains professional whitening ingredients. , Western elderberry extract, Paeonia suffruticosa flower extract and other ingredients, can reduce the dullness of the skin, condition and repair the skin, and make the skin bright and white. The mask material is made of natural cellulose mask paper, which is colorless, odorless, and alcohol-free. The mask cloth is soft and docile. It stings a little when you apply it. After applying it, the face is not as moisturizing as other models.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #日本LULULUN 基础版白色修护提亮美白面膜 第一次买日本LULULUN家的面膜,它家面膜名气蛮大的,这款白色基础班修复提亮美面膜是它家经典款之一,主打晒后修复、提亮美白,含有专业亮白成分、西洋接骨木提取物、芍药花提取物等成分,能减轻肌肤暗沉,调理修复肌肤,使得肌肤透亮美白。面膜材质采用天然纤维素面膜纸,无色无味无酒精,膜布柔软服帖,刚敷上去有一点点刺痛,敷完后脸部不像别的款那么保湿,可能只