#2021亚米面膜节 #LULULUN red high moisturizing mask This red lululun high moisturizing mask is one of its new masks for mature skin. It focuses on high moisturizing. It contains freshwater seaweed extract, rice fermented product, plum extract, L22 essential oil and other ingredients, which can improve Skin fine lines, restore skin elasticity and vitality, and continue to concentrate hydration. The material of the mask is the same as its ordinary models. It is colorless, odorless, and alcohol-free. The mask cloth is also very soft and docile. After applying it, there is a layer of water film on the face, which is super supple and great!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #LULULUN红色高保湿面膜 这款红色的lululun高保湿面膜是它家新出的针对熟龄肌推出的面膜之一,主打高保湿,含有淡水海苔提取物、大米发酵物、梅子提取物、L22 精华油等成分,能改善肌肤细纹,恢复肌肤弹力生机,持续集中补水。面膜材质与它家的普通款是一样的,无色无味无酒精,膜布也很柔软服帖,敷完后脸部有一层水膜,超级水嫩,很棒!