# 2021亚米面膜节 #.Forerjia Medical Sodium Hyaluronate Repair Mask This is the first time I bought a domestic online celebrity mask. Fuerjia mask is very popular now. It is a well-known medical and beauty mask brand in China. I bought a white mask. The main ingredients of the mask are sodium hyaluronate and hyaluronic acid, and the repairing and moisturizing effect is very good. The mask paper is very thin and docile, the essence is very moisturizing, suitable for sensitive skin, the skin is very supple after application, and the moisturizing effect is very good
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #.敷尔佳医用透明质酸钠修复面膜 第一次买国货网红面膜,敷尔佳面膜现在非常火,是国内有名的医美面膜品牌,我买的是白膜,面膜主要成分是透明质酸钠和玻尿酸,修复补水效果很不错。面膜纸很薄,也很服帖,精华液很润,适合敏感肌,敷完后皮肤很水嫩,保湿效果很好