#2021亚米面膜节 #JM Solution C9 Collagen Elasticity Essence Mask This JM Solution C9 Collagen Elastic Essence Mask is also recently purchased by Yami, and it feels pretty good when I use it for the first time. The material of the mask is a stomata-like cloth, which is soft to the touch and quite compliant. The main ingredients are 9 kinds of collagen. The main ingredient is elastic and moisturizing. The amount of essence is very sufficient. Sticky, the face looks moist and elastic, not bad!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #JM Solution C9胶原弹力精华面膜 这款JM Solution C9胶原弹力精华面膜也是最近亚米入的,第一次用感觉还蛮不错。面膜材质是气孔状的膜布,触感柔软,也蛮服帖,主要成分是9种胶原蛋白,主打弹力保湿,精华液量很足,乳液质地,刚敷上脸会有少许刺痛,敷完不黏腻,脸部看上去水润弹力十足,还不错!