# 2021亚米面膜节 #Who says men don’t need skin care? Bought mediheal men's black charcoal mineral mask for my family. The reason is that he had a lot of acne before, and after the acne faded, the skin pores became bigger and bigger, and I thought I would buy him a few masks to try! I bought a few after reading the reviews that this mask is good. The family members said that the feeling of use is good, and asked me to stock up more for him. This is mainly to clean the pores, if the skin has dirt, large pores, acne and other problems, you can try it. I applied it to him for 15 minutes. When I peeled off the mask, I saw that his face seemed to be drinking water. There was some short-term "whitening" effect. After washing his face, it was very comfortable and smooth to the touch. The family members used a few pieces. After that, the skin became much more delicate, and I will stock up a few more boxes for him in the future.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #谁说男人不用护肤?给家属买了mediheal男士专用黑炭矿物面膜。原因是他之前长了许多痘痘,痘痘淡化了之后皮肤毛孔变得越拉越大,心想给他买几张面膜试试吧!看评论说这款面膜不错就入了几张。家属说使用感不错,要求我再给他多囤点。 这款主要就是清洁毛孔,如果皮肤有污垢,毛孔粗大、长痘等问题可以试试。 我给他敷了15分钟,撕开面膜的那一刻看到脸好像喝水了一样,有一些“美白”的短暂效果,洗完脸很舒服,摸着脸很细滑,家属用了几片之后皮肤变的细嫩了许多,我以后再给他多囤几盒。