# 2021亚米面膜节 # Korean DR.JART+Ti Jia Ting Blue Pill Deep Moisturizing and Intensive Moisturizing Mask has always been my favorite mask. I have stocked up five more boxes for this mask festival. I can never have too many masks! Green pills have a faint medicinal smell, because the main focus is calm To get rid of acne, the blue pill doesn't smell that much medicine, and the main thing is hydration. In other words, the biggest requirement for applying a mask is to replenish water. The mask paper is very thin and fits well, with a lot of essence. I usually can use it for two days, especially after a day of dryness and applying such a watery mask, I really feel my face. Super comfortable! I don’t think I use it much every day, so these five boxes will be used up very quickly, so I have to stock up!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 # 韩国DR.JART+蒂佳婷蓝药丸深层补水强效保湿面膜一直是我喜欢的面膜,这次面膜节我又囤了五盒,面膜永远不嫌多呀!绿药丸有淡淡的药味,因为主打镇定祛痘,蓝药丸闻起来没有那么多药味,主打的就是补水。话说敷面膜最大的需求也就是补水了,面膜纸很薄很贴合,精华很多很多,我一般都是能用两天,尤其是干燥了一天回来敷一张这么水水的面膜真的感觉脸超级舒服!每天用也不觉得多呀,所以这么五盒也就是很快就用完了,必须再囤!