#2021亚米面膜节 #My lululun mask collection Friends of Amway Japan's lululun brand mask for a long time, and finally waited until Yamibuy discount. This time, I bought a total of 6 other masks, each of which is about 1.8 knives, as follows: The basic version of the blue deep moisturizing and brightening mask - three-layer moisturizing structure, efficient deep moisturizing! 💦 Basic Pink Oil Control Moisturizing Mask - Three-layer moisturizing structure, gentle and docile, oil control and moisturizing. Basic White Repair Brightening Whitening Mask - Focus on repairing and brightening after sun exposure. Golden Anti-Sugar Anti-Sugar Brightening Mature Skin Mask - Improves pigmentation, brightens skin, and resists aging. Enhanced red high moisturizing mature skin mask - smooth fine lines, super moisturizing! Enhanced version of green water and oil balance mature skin mask - replenish collagen, maintain water and oil balance! Its masks are free of fragrances, pigments, and alcohol, and have been tested for skin allergens, so it will be more secure to use. At present, these six masks have almost been evaluated (see the previous product), except for the white one, the moisturizing effect of other models feels very good👍
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #我的lululun面膜大集合 被朋友们安利日本lululun这个牌子的面膜已久,终于等到亚米打折。这次一共入了6款它家的面膜,每片大约1.8刀,分别如下: 基础版蓝色深层补水亮泽面膜—三层保湿结构,高效深层补水!💦 基础版粉红色控油保湿面膜 —三层保湿结构,温和服帖,控油保湿。 基础版白色修护提亮美白面膜 —主打晒后修复亮白。 金色驻颜抗糖提亮熟龄肌面膜—改善色斑,亮白美肌,抗衰老。 加强版红色高保湿熟龄肌面膜—抚平细纹,超高保湿! 加强版绿色水油平衡熟龄肌面膜 —补充胶原蛋白,保持水油平衡! 它家面膜都不含香精、色素、酒精,并且经过了皮肤过敏原检测,用起来会比较安心。目前几乎已经测评了这六款面膜(见之前的晒货),除了白色款,其他款保湿效果感觉都很不错👍