# 2021亚米面膜节 #My JAYJUN Mask Collection JAYJUN is also one of my favorite mask brands. The first time I used its trilogy water-light injection black mask, I found it very easy to use, so I also bought several masks and eye masks from Yamibuy. Its mask is much more expensive than JM SOLUTION, and the discount is not too much. One piece is basically about 2 dollars, and some cost 3 dollars. At present, I have used its Rose Hydrating Moisturizing Mask, Trilogy Hydrating Injection Mask, Green Tea Eye Mask and Roselle Eye Mask. These masks/eye masks are all very easy to use, and I will stock up on more if they are on sale. I recommend its eye mask, a box of about 15 knives, 30 pairs of eye masks, enough for a long time, and the effect is good.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #我的JAYJUN 面膜大集合 JAYJUN也是我喜欢的面膜品牌之一,第一用它家的三部曲水光针剂黑面膜时,觉得非常好用,因此陆续从亚米也入了好几款它家的面膜和眼膜。它家的面膜比JM SOLUTION要贵很多,而且打折也不算多,一片算下来基本都要2刀左右,有的要3刀。 目前我用过它家的玫瑰水润保湿面膜、三部曲水光针剂面膜、绿茶眼膜和洛神花眼膜。这几款面膜/眼膜都非常好用,打折的话会多囤点货。推荐下它家的眼膜,一盒大约15刀,30对眼膜,够敷蛮久,而且效果不错。