# 2021 YamiMask Festival # Is Dr. Jart+Pill Mask Worth It? Blue pill or green pill 💊‼ ️ Dr.jart+'s pill masks are super popular, especially blue pills and green pills. There are a lot of fakes on the market. Fortunately, the ones I bought from Yami are still genuine. After you buy this mask, please check the authenticity. . As for whether to choose the blue pill or the green pill, I think it depends on the individual skin type. I have sensitive skin, and I am not allergic to either of them. Their mask sheets are very wide and suitable for babies with big faces. The mask sheets are very thin and fit well on the skin. In terms of ingredients of #2021YamiMask Festival#, both of them have added aquaxyl, a patented moisturizing ingredient. The difference is that the blue pill has hyaluronic acid and seaweed extract, while the green pill has hyaluronic acid and aloe vera. Both have a strong moisturizing effect according to the composition analysis, but the specific feeling will vary from person to person. From my personal experience, the blue pill does not feel good after application, and it is not moisturizing at all. The green pill is very comfortable and moisturizing after application. It is very suitable for oily and sensitive skin. The green pill will be repurchased. If babies usually prefer hyaluronic acid masks, green pills should be a good choice. On the contrary, babies who prefer hyaluronic acid can try blue pills!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 # Dr. Jart+药丸面膜值得入吗?蓝药丸还是绿药丸💊‼️ Dr.jart+的药丸面膜超级火,尤其是蓝药丸和绿药丸,市面上出现了好多假货,好在我目前在亚米买到的还是真品,大家买到这个面膜后还是验验真伪吧。至于到底选择蓝药丸还是绿药丸,我觉得看个人肤质。 本人属于敏感肌,两种都不过敏,它家的面膜纸都很宽大,适合大脸宝宝,面膜纸都很薄,肌肤贴合度也很好。 从# 2021亚米面膜节 #成分上来说,两种都添加了专利保湿成分aquaxyl,区别是蓝药丸添加了透明质酸和海藻提取物等,而绿药丸则添加了玻尿酸和芦荟液。两者根据成分分析都有很强的保湿效果,但具体感受会因人而异。 从我个人的感受来说,蓝药丸敷完没什么感觉,一点也不保湿,绿药丸敷完很舒服,很保湿,对混油敏感肌很适用,绿药丸会回购。宝宝们如果平时对玻尿酸面膜偏好,绿药丸应该是不错的选择,反之对透明质酸偏爱的宝宝可以试试蓝药丸!