# 2021亚米面膜节 #JAYJUN, JM SOLUTION, blue pill, three moisturizing masks Jayjun's rose water light needle mask, JM SOLUTION's Yuehuo Qingyan bird's nest mask, and Dr. Jart+'s blue pill mask are famous for moisturizing and moisturizing. The main moisturizing ingredients of the three are as follows: Bird's Nest Mask: Bird's Nest Extract + Snail Mucus Blue Pill: Patented moisturizing ingredient aquaxyl + hyaluronic acid JAYJUN: Hyaluronic Acid + Ceramide + Jeju Lava Seawater Hyaluronic acid and snail mucus are both chemical ingredients that have been proven to have moisturizing effects. In terms of ingredients, there is little difference between the three, and they are all common moisturizing ingredients. In terms of price, when it is not on sale, Blue Pill has the highest unit price ($3/piece), followed by JAYJUN ($2.5/piece), Bird's Nest Mask ($2/piece), JM has the most promotions, often 50% off, Blue Pill has a lot of activities, half price is also Can buy, JAYJUN promotion price is relatively small. In terms of the material of the mask, the mask paper of the three is very smooth and compliant, and the amount of essence is very sufficient. After applying it, for me with oily and sensitive skin, the blue pill does not have outstanding moisturizing effect, and the other two have good moisturizing effect. The skin is still supple and supple the next day!
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #JAYJUN、JM SOLUTION、蓝药丸,三款保湿面膜大pk Jayjun家的玫瑰水光针面膜、JM SOLUTION家的悦活沁润颜燕窝面膜、Dr. Jart+家的蓝药丸面膜都是以补水保湿出名的面膜,三家的主要保湿成分如下: 燕窝面膜: 燕窝提取物+蜗牛粘液 蓝药丸:专利保湿成分aquaxyl+透明质酸 JAYJUN:透明质酸+神经酰胺+济州岛熔岩海水 透明质酸、蜗牛粘液都是被证实具有保湿效果的化学成分,从成分上来说三者差别不大,都是常见的保湿成分。 价格方面,非促销时,蓝药丸单价最高($3/片),JAYJUN其次($2.5/片),燕窝面膜($2/片),JM促销最多,经常五折,蓝药丸活动也不少,半价也能买到,JAYJUN促销价比较少。 面膜材质方面,三者的面膜纸都非常柔滑服帖,精华液分量都十分充足,敷完后,对于混油敏感肌的我来说,蓝药丸补水效果不突出,其余两款保湿效果都很不错,第二天起来皮肤还是水嫩嗯的!