# 2021亚米面膜节 #I always thought this brand of face mask was quite expensive, but I didn’t hesitate to order a few boxes when the price was reduced. Last year on Black Friday, I bought 10 knife blue pills at Yamibuy, happy! The blue model is a first-aid deep moisturizing mask. The silk mask paper is light and transparent, and the essence is not much and not much. After using it, you will be amazed at the effect~~ The whole face is soft and tender, very bright and shiny, and it is much easier to apply makeup. After using a few more pieces, even the pores will feel shrinking.
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# 2021亚米面膜节 #这个牌子的面膜我一直觉得挺贵的,但是遇到减价我也毫不犹豫就下了几盒。去年黑五在亚米买到10几刀刀蓝药丸,开心! 蓝色款是急救深层补水面膜,蚕丝面膜纸轻薄透明,精华液不多也不少。用完效果会被惊艳到~~整张脸水嫩嫩,很有透亮光泽感,上妆也容易多了,多用几片连毛孔都有收缩的感觉。