# Anything can be Sanzo # Recommended Index 🌟🌟🌟🌟 My American colleagues have always recommended this drink to me! Yami finally has it! The price is also a little cheaper than other places. There are three flavors of mango, kumquat, and lychee. The fruit flavor is very mellow, the taste is refreshing, there is no sweetness, and there are plenty of bubbles. The taste is better after cooling. But I personally prefer mango flavor, maybe because I like mango 😝 Summer is here, Sanzo really saved me who wanted to lose weight but couldn't resist soda juice 😂, a bottle is only 20 calories, no sugar, no flavor. It's not burdensome to drink. Tried it mixed with Vodka at home too and it tasted great. You can also use iced sanzo to brew honey citron tea, from scratch to 🦶. In short, in the future, the refrigerator at home will always have Sanzo~
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yami_featured_image # 万物皆可Sanzo # 推荐指数 🌟🌟🌟🌟 之前美国同事一直推荐我这个饮料!亚米终于有了!价格还比别的地方便宜一点。 有芒果、金桔、荔枝三个口味,水果味非常的醇正,口感清爽,没有甜味,气泡也很足,冰镇后口感更佳。但我个人更喜欢芒果味,可能是因为我喜欢芒果吧😝 夏天到了,Sanzo真的拯救了想要减肥却又对汽水果汁无法抗拒的我😂,一瓶只有20卡,无糖,无香精。喝起来没什么负担。 在家也尝试了和Vodka混在一起,味道很棒。还可以用冰镇后的sanzo来冲泡蜂蜜柚子茶,从头爽到🦶。 总之,之后家里的冰箱会常备Sanzo~