# 万物皆可Sanzo # I also drank Sanzo sparkling water, which is super popular recently. Today, pick likes the fruit lychee flavor since I was a child. The bottle is really super pink. A girl's heart. When you open the can, you can see a lot of "vapor" with the naked eye. But such a bottle is only 20 calories. No sugar, no sugar, no sugar. Sisters. Drink with confidence. At first drinking sparkling water may feel a little monotonous. You can try it for bartending or mixing other drinks. I think mix orange soda is the most correct. Recommend Arctic Ocean orange water~ The ratio is half. I think it's really cool to drink with ice cubes. And today's match is I personally cook [Wangjiadu]'s spicy hot pot. The taste is really invincible and delicious ➕ all-match. Buy, buy, buy. Who said fried chicken can only be served with beer. I think fried chicken can also be served with sanzo. Everything can be sanzo!
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yami_featured_image # 万物皆可Sanzo # 我也喝到最近超火的Sanzo气泡水啦. 今天pick从小喜欢到大的水果荔枝味. 瓶装真的超级粉嫩.少女心. 开罐肉眼都能看得出好多好多“汽”. 但是这样一瓶只有20卡哦.无糖无糖无糖. 姐妹们.放心喝吧. 刚开始喝气泡水也许你会觉得有点单调. 可以试试用来调酒或者mix其他的饮料. 我觉得mix橘子汽水最正. 推荐北冰洋橘子水哦~ 比例对半.我觉得加了冰块喝真的太爽了. 而且今天搭配的是 我亲自下厨的【王家渡】的麻辣香锅. 味道真的超级无敌美味➕百搭. 买买买.谁说炸鸡只能配啤酒的. 我看炸鸡也能配sanzo. 万物皆可sanzo!