# 亚米商城6周年 # Amore Foaming Hair Dye, Foot Mask and Travelling Spa Bath 💗 Amore's hair dye tools are well-equipped and easy to operate, and the foaming is also sufficient, so you don't need to ask others for help! There are many colors to choose from, there is always one that suits you! Let’s focus on the hot spring bath agent of Luzhiyu. There are 5 kinds of bath agents, 3 packs of each type, a total of 15 packs, which is very cost-effective! 5 different colors with a light Chinese medicine smell. It is very comfortable to take a bath in an air-conditioned room in summer ❤️
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# 亚米商城6周年 # 爱茉莉泡沫染发剂、脚膜和旅之宿温泉浴剂💗 爱茉莉的染发剂工具配备齐全且操作方便,起泡也很充分,再也不用求别人帮忙啦!有多种颜色可选,总有一种适合自己! 重点说一下旅之宿的温泉浴剂,有5种浴剂,每种3包,共15包,很划算哦!5种不同的颜色,有淡淡的中药味。夏天在空调房里泡澡极是惬意❤️