# 亚米商城6周年 # This is also an Internet celebrity snack, many people know that it is the best french fries or something. Out of curiosity, I picked up a box. The packaging is superb, the delicate carton contains individual packets of fries. The amount of each packet is not a lot, but it is just enough to eat without getting tired. Overall it feels like a crunchy version of McDonald's fries.
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# 亚米商城6周年 # 这也是一款网红零食了吧,好多认识它是最好吃的薯条什么的。本着好奇的原因,顺手入了一盒。包装超级棒,精致的纸盒里面是独立包装的小包薯条。每一包的量不是很多,但刚好吃了不会腻。总体有种加脆版麦当劳薯条的感觉。