# 九阳破壁免洗豆浆机 #At the beginning of this year, Yami entered the Jiuyang wall breaking machine, which is responsible for the appearance, and finally I don’t have to wash it by hand after drinking soy milk! It looks so good in a corner of the kitchen, and instantly adds a lot of "high-end" to the kitchen. My favorite is that the wall breaker has a no-clean function, which is one of the reasons why I have to buy it. In the past, my hand-washing soymilk machine would inevitably leave a small amount of soy dregs on the broken wall, but this Joyoung disposable wall breaker can completely rinse, scald and wash the blade, and it is really clean after washing. ! The main features of Joyoung wall breaker are as follows👇: 🌟The wall breaker has a high appearance and has a delicate and elegant body design 🌟Can be used to make soy milk, coffee☕️, fruit juice 🍹, rice cereal, grain pulp, nut juice, red date pulp, oat drink, etc. 🌟Capacity options are available in 300/500/800/1000ml, do as much as you drink 🌟The speed reaches 20,000 rpm, the broken wall is free of slag, no need to filter, and the taste is more delicate Of course, the first time I bought it was to make a cup of hot soy milk and drink it. First, wash the soybeans and pour them into the wall breaker, and then add pure water to the sink. After selecting the operation mode, the machine can work by itself, and the time is short. , When the soy milk is ready for breakfast🥣, the soy milk is very delicate and delicious, and it smells very fragrant. Don’t you love such a beautiful and easy-to-use wall breaker? 💕
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# 九阳破壁免洗豆浆机 #今年年头在亚米入了颜值担当的九阳破壁机,终于不用喝完豆浆还要手洗那么麻烦了!放在厨房一角真好看,瞬间给厨房增添了不少“高级感”。 我最喜欢的是破壁机有免洗功能,这也是我为什么非要买它不可的原因之一。以往我手洗豆浆机难免会残留少量豆渣在破壁上,但这台九阳免洗破壁机能完全做到冲洗、烫洗和刀片搅洗,洗完真的好干净,简直就是懒人福音啊! 九阳破壁机的主要特点如下👇: 🌟破壁机颜值高,机身设计精巧雅致 🌟可以做豆浆、咖啡☕️、果汁🍹、米糊、五谷浆、坚果露、红枣浆、燕麦饮等 🌟容量选择有300/500/800/1000ml提供,做到喝多少做多少 🌟转速达到20000转/分钟,破壁无渣不用过滤,口感更细腻 买回来第一时间当然是做杯热乎乎的豆浆喝了,先把黄豆洗净倒进破壁机,再在水槽里添加纯净水,选好运行模式后就可以让机器自己工作,用时时间短,准备好早餐🥣的时候豆浆已经做完了,打出来的豆浆非常细腻可口,闻起来特别香,这么好看又好用的破壁机能不爱吗?💕