On a hot day, I took out a can of ice-cold sparkling water from the refrigerator, poured it into a glass filled with ice cubes and took a few sips, just one word: cool! A small can of this sparkling water is only 250ml. If you buy 6 cans of Yami, you will send the packaged one. It is a milky white and translucent sparkling water, which is indeed a bit milky and has a strong peach flavor, a bit like aerated Calpis. Drink it with ice and feel the sweetness is just right! # 夏日清凉 #
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大热天的从冰箱里掏出一罐冰凉的气泡水,倒进装满冰块的玻璃杯里猛喝几口,就一个字: 爽! 这个气泡水一罐小小的只有250ml,买6罐亚米就给寄包装好的一提。它的是奶白色半透明的气泡水,确实有点牛奶味,桃子味也很浓,有点像带气的Calpis。 加冰块喝觉得甜度刚刚好! # 夏日清凉 #