The happiest thing in summer is to hide in an air-conditioned room and eat snacks! The crispy noodles I ate when I was a child were all broken into slag. The taste was very addicting, but I always felt that it was a bit troublesome to eat. There is no such problem with this crispy noodles. The noodles are made into wide slices, which are easy to handle and taste similar to thick-cut potato chips. The taste is basically mildly spicy soy sauce with a hint of burnt aroma. I didn't think it was amazing at the first bite, but I couldn't stop eating it😭. A whole pack of calories is 350, which is friendlier than potato chips. # 夏日清凉 #
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夏天最开心的事莫过于躲在空调房里吃零食!小时候吃的干脆面都是碎成渣渣的,味道很上瘾但是总觉得吃起来有点麻烦。这款干脆面就没有这样的问题啦,面条都被做成了宽宽的片状,拿取很方便,口感跟厚切薯片差不多。 味道基本上微辣的酱油味,带着一点焦香。第一口吃觉得没有很惊艳,但是吃着吃着就停不下来了😭。一整包卡路里350,比薯片友好一些。 # 夏日清凉 #