In summer, even throat candies have to eat peach flavor to be happy! Ryukakusan is believed to be familiar to everyone. It is a super famous throat medicine in Japan. It is made from a variety of herbal powders, and there are powders and throat lozenges. This throat lozenge belongs to the herbal moisturizing series of Ryukakusan. I have only eaten lemon🍋 and original flavor before, but I didn’t expect to see the white peach flavor on Yami. One word: buy it! When you first enter it, there is an obvious medicinal smell unique to Ryukakusan, but the taste of white peach is highlighted a little. There is also a flowing sandwich inside, which is the taste of white peach and dragon horn powder, and a little cool feeling. Occasionally, I feel sore throat when I talk for a long time, and I really feel relieved when a dragon horn is scattered. In addition, this bag is indeed more convenient than the strip I bought before. # 夏日清凉 #
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yami_featured_image 夏天连喉糖都要吃水蜜桃味的才开心!龙角散相信大家多少都有所了解,它是日本超有名的润喉药物,以多种草药微末制成,有粉末状也有这样喉糖形式的。 这款喉糖属于龙角散的草本润系列,以前只吃过柠檬🍋和原味的,没想到在亚米上见到了白桃味,一个字: 买!刚入口时一股明显的龙角散特有的药味,但是稍微含一下白桃味道就凸显出来了。里面还有流动的夹心,是白桃加龙角散的味道,还有一点微微的清凉感。偶尔咽喉不适讲话时间长了就觉得很难受,一颗龙角散下去确实感到轻松不少。 另外,这种袋装的确实比以前我买的条状的要方便一些。 # 夏日清凉 #