# 夏日清凉 # In summer, it makes me greedy to see other people eating ice cream I'm going to try it this summer 🌟Original Ice Powder $1.29 A pack of 40g, I used 20g this time to make a lot 👩🏻‍🍳It is also super easy to operate Prepare 1000g of water, pour 20g of ice powder when the water is almost boiling Keep stirring, then add an appropriate amount of osmanthus honey, continue stirring until there is a little resistance, turn off the heat, pour it into a container and let it cool, then put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours . The ice cream is really delicious I also added Senghetang's Guiling Shuang and Matcha Mochi. The ice cream had no taste at all So the Guilingshuang and Mochi with sweet-scented osmanthus honey Sweetness is just right Much cooler after eating 🥰🥰
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# 夏日清凉 # 夏天的时候看到别人吃冰粉可馋了 这个夏天我也要来试试 🌟原味冰粉 $1.29 一包40g,我这次用了20g做出来挺多的 👩🏻‍🍳操作起来也是超级简单 准备1000g的水,等水差不多沸腾就倒入20g的冰粉 不停的搅拌,然后加入适量的桂花蜜,继续搅拌到有点阻力就关火倒入一个容器里放凉,再放入冰箱冷藏2-3小时 . 冰粉真的超级的爽口 我自己另外还加了生和堂的龟苓爽和抹茶麻薯 冰粉原本是一点味道都没有 所以加上桂花蜂蜜的龟苓爽和麻薯 甜度刚刚好 吃完凉爽很多🥰🥰