# 亚米商城6周年 # # 夏日清凉 # It's too hot in summer, come to a bowl of rock sugar mung bean soup to clear heat and detoxify, nourish and remove fire. Nutritious, delicious, homemade simple and refreshing desserts, very simple! The mung beans I bought at Yami's Sunway store are of good quality. They are double-packed, and the inner layer is packed in a vacuum compression bag. It is a square rectangle and pressed very tightly. Mung beans must be a must for summer! Mung bean soup is good to eat hot or cold, and it can also be frozen into mung bean popsicles, an artifact to relieve the heat, haha.
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# 亚米商城6周年 # # 夏日清凉 # 夏天太热了,来碗冰糖绿豆汤,清热解毒,滋补去火。有营养,味道好,自制简单爽口甜品,很简单哦! 我在亚米的Sunway店铺买的这个绿豆质量不错,双层包装,里层是真空压缩袋包装,方方的一块长方形,压得特别紧实,这种包装特别保质保鲜。 绿豆一定是夏日必备哦! 绿豆汤热吃冷吃都不错,还可以冻成绿豆冰棍哦,解暑神器,哈哈。