# 夏日清凉 # Summer dessert recommendation: Chen Yunbaoquan's [Royal Danbo] is really too late to meet, so delicious! Opened like a small drawer, there are a total of three crisps, which are equivalent to $2-$3 each. Combined with the packaging and craftsmanship of his family, the price is still very reasonable. The cover is a very Japanese-style lucky cat, which has a great sense of design. This one is very good whether you eat it yourself or give it away! Its puff pastry is very layered, very soft and glutinous, and it is covered with sesame seeds, which tastes very fragrant! Inside is white Japanese bean paste, the taste is slightly sweet, just right! You can still eat whole red beans in one bite, and the aftertaste is endless ^_^ My favorite is the egg yolk crispy inside, which is sweet, creamy, and rich in flavor.
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yami_featured_image # 夏日清凉 # 夏日甜品推荐:陈允宝泉的【御丹波】真的是相见恨晚,太好吃了! 像小抽屉一样拉开来总共有三个酥,折合下来$2-$3一个,结合他家的包装和工艺,这个价格还是很合算的。 封面是挺日式的招财猫,很有设计感,这款不管自己吃还是送人都很不错哎! 它的酥皮是很有层次的,很软糯,外面裹着芝麻,吃起来特别香! 里面是白色的日式豆沙,味道微甜,刚刚好! 一口咬下去还能吃到完整的红豆,回味无穷^_^ 我最喜欢的是里面的蛋黄酥,甜甜的很奶香,味道很浓郁。