# 夏日清凉 # Summer is here, and sometimes it's too hot to cook. This Jiangzhong Hougu brand breakfast rice is convenient, fast, hassle-free, and high nutrition. This brand of rice noodles is mainly for nutrition and health care and nourishing the stomach. It contains japonica rice, oatmeal, Poria, white lentils, coix seed, lotus seeds, yam, ginseng, licorice, orange peel, platycodon, and Amomum. You read that right. Containing ginseng, it has a light medicinal taste, and it feels like the taste of ginseng. Each portion is equipped with a cup, lid, folding spoon, a pack of rice granules, and a pack of condensed milk. After mixing, add hot water above 85 degrees Celsius to brew, which is very convenient and fast. Among them, this folding spoon is very well designed. The length after being opened is relatively long, which matches the height of the cup and can easily reach the bottom of the cup, so it is also easy to stir the rice thin particles at the bottom! If you don't drink it all at once, you can cover it to keep it hygienic, and continue drinking after a while. Use this contemporary meal in summer, it's light and nutritious! # 亚米商城6周年 #
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# 夏日清凉 # 夏天来了,有时候太热都不想做饭,这个江中猴姑牌早餐米稀方便,快捷,省事,高营养。 这个牌子的米稀主打营养保健和养胃,含有粳米,燕麦片,茯苓,白扁豆,薏仁,莲子,山药,人参,甘草,橘皮,桔梗,砂仁这些珍贵食材,你没看错真的包含人参,吃起来有淡淡药膳味,感觉就是人参的味道吧。 每一份里配有杯子,盖子,折叠勺子,米稀颗粒一包,炼乳一包,混合以后,加入85摄氏度以上的热水冲泡就完成了,很方便快捷。 其中这个折叠勺子设计得很好,撑开以后的长度比较长,和杯子的高度匹配,能轻松够到杯子底部哦,所以搅拌底部的米稀颗粒也很容易!如果一次没喝完还可以盖上盖子保持卫生,等一会儿继续喝。 夏天用这个当代餐,很清淡,很营养! # 亚米商城6周年 #