In summer, Jin Gaoli cold noodles are always prepared at home, which is easy to eat and cool. This cold noodle is cooked in boiling water for a few minutes, then take it out and run it in cold water several times. You can also add some ice cubes to make it cool faster. When eating, add 250 ml of cold water to the bowl, and pour all the soup and seasoning packets into it. The package says that you can add some side dishes such as spicy cabbage and sauced beef. I added shredded cucumber and luncheon meat. One pack is a big serving, full of a bowl. The first bite to eat, the noodles are slippery, the roots are distinct and not lumpy; the soup is also more authentic, sweet and spicy, very similar to the ones made in the store! I'm tired of snail noodles, I feel that this cold noodles is very refreshing, perfect for summer! # 夏日清凉 #
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夏天家里常备的就是金高丽冷面,做法方便吃起来又清凉。 这个冷面在开水里煮几分钟就熟了,然后捞出来过几遍冷水,还可以加点冰块让它凉的更快。 吃的时候碗里加入250毫升冷水,把汤包、料包全部倒进去。包装上介绍说可以再加点辣白菜、酱牛肉之类的配菜,我加了黄瓜丝和午餐肉。 一包煮出来份量很大,满满一碗。第一口吃下去,面条滑溜溜的,根根分明,不会坨;汤汁也比较正宗,甜甜辣辣的,跟店里现做的很像! 螺蛳粉我已经吃腻了,感觉这款冷面非常清爽,超适合夏天! # 夏日清凉 #