# 夏日清凉 # The fast food recommendation for summer too lazy to cook, Japanese MYOJO star super ace ramen, it is flavored with pepper and salt mayonnaise, the sauce is delicious, the mayonnaise is fragrant, and the eating method is also simple, open the lid of the bowl to the dotted line, put the 3 ingredients Take out the bag, just open the vegetable bag and spread it evenly on the bread, then heat the water to the level of the water line in the bowl, cover the lid and wait for 3 minutes, then tear off the sticker at the drain port, and drain the hot water in the bowl from the drain. You can tear off the lid of the bowl when the mouth is poured out, then pour the remaining 2 packets into the bowl, stir well and eat, very delicious 😋
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# 夏日清凉 # 夏日懒得做饭的速食推荐,日本MYOJO明星超级王牌拉面,是胡椒盐蛋黄酱味的,酱料鲜美,蛋黄酱香浓,食用方法也简单,碗盖子打开至虚线处,把3种料包拿出来,只把蔬菜包打开均匀撒在面饼上,然后加热水到碗内注水线高度就盖上盖子等待3分钟,之后将排水口处贴纸撕下,把碗里的热水从排水口倒掉就可以撕掉碗盖,再把剩下2个料包倒入碗里,搅拌均匀就可以吃啦,非常好吃😋