# 夏日清凉 # Although Yami's Yudanbo is out of stock, the price is a lot cheaper than Chaochao. This time, there is a discount, so I decided to buy it back for breakfast. In summer, it can be stored in the refrigerator, and when you take it out, it will have an ice-cold taste, and it will not be too hard! I often eat puff pastry, but I am still amazed by this Yudanbo. The outer skin is very soft, using New Zealand cream, inside is a layer of white phoenix bean paste, red bean particles on the bean paste layer, and a large piece of imported raw cheese in the middle. The overall milky fragrance is rich and very delicate, and you can take a bite and sip it on your stomach. It is very filling to eat one piece, and paired with a cup of coffee for breakfast, you will be awakened by the delicious taste, and start a day with a good mood~ Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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yami_featured_image # 夏日清凉 # 虽然亚米的御丹波老断货,但价格真是比亚超实惠了不少,这次又碰上有折扣,果断买回来当早餐啦。夏天可以储存在冰箱里,拿出来吃就是冰冰凉凉的口感,也不会太硬! 我经常吃酥皮点心,但依然被这款御丹波惊艳到了。 外皮非常酥软,使用了纽西兰奶油,里面是一层白凤豆沙,豆沙这一层还有红豆颗粒,最中间是一大块进口生乳酪。整体奶香浓郁,非常细腻,一口咬下去抿一抿就下肚了。 一块吃下去很顶饱,早餐再搭配一杯咖啡,一下子就被美味唤醒了,开启好心情的一天~ 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟