# 夏日清凉 # There are really many egg yolk crisps on Yami. I have tried many brands, but they are all similar. However, Wufu egg yolk crisp has always been a super classic. The taste is very traditional and the taste is very rich. The old brand will never step on thunder. In summer, you can put it in the refrigerator, take it out and eat it directly, the taste is not bad. There are six in a box, each individually packaged. Although the outer box was slightly pressed open when it was delivered (there are more items in this box, and there are all kinds of seasonings in bottles and jars, understandable), the egg yolk crisp inside is completely fine. This egg yolk puff pastry has four layers, the outermost puff pastry is very soft and easy to bite, and the top shows some black sesame seeds. On the inner layer is Xue Meiniang, which is very Q-bombable, but the whole bite will not stick to her teeth. Further inside is red bean paste, which is slightly sweet, but not too greasy. There are no red bean particles, and it is a very delicate red bean paste. In the middle is a large piece of salted egg yolk. The salty taste is more obvious, so it will not taste like some egg yolk crisps with only sweetness. The whole bite is salty and sweet, and the taste is very rich but not inconsistent at all. Each layer is very delicate and soft, you can eat it without chewing hard! The disadvantage is probably that the original price is a bit expensive, but in fact, this egg yolk cake is often discounted, you can pay more attention when there are activities~
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# 夏日清凉 # 亚米上蛋黄酥真的超级多,我尝过好多个牌子,其实都大同小异。不过五福蛋黄酥一直还是超级经典的一款,味道非常传统,口味很丰富,老牌子绝不踩雷。夏天可以放在冰箱里,拿出来直接吃冰冰凉凉的口感还不错呢。 一盒里面有六只,每只单独包装。虽然送来的时候外盒稍微有一点被压开了(这一箱东西买得比较多,还有各种瓶瓶罐罐的调料,可以理解),但是里面的蛋黄酥完全没有问题。 这款蛋黄酥有四层,最外面的酥皮非常酥软,咬起来一点都不费劲,顶部表明还有一些黑芝麻。往里面一层是雪媚娘,很Q弹,但整个一口咬下去又不会粘牙。再往里面是红豆沙,略有些甜,但不会太腻,没有红豆颗粒,是非常细腻的红豆沙。最中间是超大一块咸蛋黄,咸味是比较明显的,所以吃起来不会像有的蛋黄酥一样只有甜味。 整个咬下去又咸又甜,口感层次非常丰富但丝毫不违和。每一层都非常细腻酥软,无需用力嚼就可以吃下去了! 缺点大概就是原价有点贵,但其实这款蛋黄酥经常打折,大家可以趁有活动的时候多注意一下~