# 夏日清凉 #Summer is to eat hot and sour appetizing pickled fish. Haidilao's Chopsticks Chef's Soup Pickled Cabbage Fish Seasoning Pack is my favorite pickled fish seasoning pack, very authentic and delicious. There are also chopped pepper buns and chili buns separately, which are sour and spicy. If you can't eat spicy food, it is also delicious without the chili buns. In addition to making sauerkraut fish, you can also make fat beef in sour soup and boiled noodles, which is also very versatile. 🐟Sauerkraut fish practice: 1 Add the fish fillets to the kipper bag and cooking wine, mix well, marinate for half an hour. 2 Pour oil in a pot, add sauerkraut and fry until fragrant, then add a little more hot water and seasoning packet to boil. 3 Add the side dishes and cook until cooked, then add the fish fillets and cook for about 2 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and parsley, you can pour some hot oil to make it more fragrant. After adding a lot of side dishes, the soup doesn't look too golden. I thought the taste would become weaker, but it tasted like sauerkraut fish, sour, sour, spicy and spicy!
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# 夏日清凉 #夏天就是要吃酸辣开胃的酸菜鱼。海底捞的筷手小厨上汤酸菜鱼调味包是我最喜欢的酸菜鱼调味包,非常正宗、够味。里面还单独有剁椒包和辣椒包,酸辣过瘾。 不能吃辣的不加辣椒包也很好吃。除了做酸菜鱼,还能做酸汤肥牛和煮面,也是很万能了。 🐟酸菜鱼做法: 1 鱼片加入腌鱼包和料酒抓匀,腌制半小时。 2 锅里倒油,放入酸菜炒出香味,再加入多一点的热水和调料包煮开。 3 加入配菜煮熟,最后放入鱼片煮2分钟左右出锅。撒上葱花香菜,可以再浇点热油更香。 加了很多配菜,汤汁看起来不太金黄,本以为味道会变淡,结果一尝很有酸菜鱼的味,酸酸辣辣特别香!