# 夏日清凉 # Is there anyone like me who doesn’t want to eat because of the heat in summer, and likes to use a cup of hot coffee for breakfast, accompanied by a little light food, such as small bread and small twists, etc. It’s comfortable to eat and can’t be eaten after the heat at least It doesn't matter if you have a full breakfast. This Japanese BOURBON Butter Egg Roll is very suitable for coffee. It is fragrant and crunchy.
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# 夏日清凉 # 有没有人和我一样,夏天因为热不想吃饭,早餐就喜欢用一杯热热的咖啡,配一点小轻食,比如小面包啊小麻花啊之类,吃的舒舒服服后面再热吃不下至少早餐吃的饱饱的就不在意了。这个日本BOURBON波路梦黄油蛋卷就挺适合配咖啡的,香香脆脆,酥的掉渣,有蛋有碳水又好吃,夏天也不觉得日子难过啦!