# 夏日清凉 # OTTOGI is a well-known Korean brand. There are all kinds of delicious Korean food on Yami, but this is the first time I bought this spicy fried rice cake. I am looking forward to seeing so many good reviews. The package says that it is for two, and when I open it, I find that everything is for two, so friends who live alone can also buy it with confidence. There are rice cakes, sauce buns and tofu block buns respectively. The rice cakes are boiled in water until soft, and then you can eat them according to your own taste~ I ordered two rice cakes, with some frozen vegetables, two fried eggs, and only one packet of sauce ( And male tickets are not very spicy, so the taste is actually quite enough, but not too spicy). This time I tried it for the first time, and I found that it seems to be very suitable to use it directly to DIY into a military pot, add some cabbage, luncheon meat, eggs, instant noodles, and cook it together. Will repurchase and do it next time! (The rice cakes are really filling, eat well...   Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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# 夏日清凉 # OTTOGI是个很有名的韩国牌子啦,在亚米上有各种好吃的韩国食品,不过我还是第一次买这款辣炒年糕,看到有这么多好评还是挺期待的。 包装上写着两人份,打开来发现所有的东西都是两份的,所以独居的朋友也可以放心买啦。分别有年糕、酱包和豆腐块包。 年糕放在水里煮软,然后就可以根据自己的口味搞各种吃的啦~ 我下了两份年糕,加了一些冷冻蔬菜,下了两个煎蛋,只加了一包酱料(和男票都不是很能吃辣,这样味道其实很足了,但不会太辣)。 这次初尝试,发现好像很适合直接用它DIY成部队锅,加点白菜、午餐肉、鸡蛋、泡面,一起煮一下就可以啦。会回购,下次来做! (年糕真的好顶饱,吃好撑…… 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟