# 夏日清凉 # Refrigerated face masks are an absolute must for summer! California summer is always scorching hot and unbearable. When I walk under the sun, I feel that my face is going to be ruined. I want to go home and take out all kinds of cold face masks from the refrigerator to cool down my hot face! At this time, I like the Korean DR.JART+ Tijia Ting Green Pill Mask with a medicinal flavor. This mask, which is mainly anti-allergic, moisturizing and calming, is definitely a weapon to soothe the high temperature in summer. Reddened skin, soothing and calming, every time I apply it, I feel that every cell on my face that is clamoring has calmed down. After applying it, it is so comfortable! Must be always on hand!
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# 夏日清凉 # 冷藏的面膜绝对是夏天必备!加州夏天总是明晃晃的热辣辣让人吃不消,太阳底下走一回觉得自己的脸要废了,一心想赶紧回家从冰箱里掏出各种冰冰凉凉的面膜来给滚烫的脸降降温!这个时候我最喜欢带着药味的韩国DR.JART+ 蒂佳婷绿药丸面膜,这个主打抗敏补水镇定的面膜绝对是抚慰夏天高温的利器,含有的芦荟精华可以极强地舒缓晒后干燥缺水泛红的肌肤,舒缓镇定,每次一敷上我就感觉我的脸上叫嚣的每一个细胞都安静下来了,敷完那叫一个舒服!必须常备!