# 夏日清凉 # It's summer, it's time to cleanse the pores! South Korea's HOLIKA HOLIKA's 3-STEP Blackhead Removal and Pore Reduction Pig Nose Sticker is quite cost-effective. I use it every once in a while, and the effect of removing blackheads is very good. It is still necessary to clean the skin pores!
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# 夏日清凉 # 夏天啦,毛孔要清洁清洁啦!韩国HOLIKA HOLIKA的3-STEP去黑头收缩毛孔猪鼻贴还是挺划算的,隔一段时间用一次,去黑头效果挺好,清洁一下皮肤毛孔还是很必要的!