# 夏日清凉 #
It's definitely a pleasure to put on an ice-cold face mask in summer! South Korea's JM SOLUTION Silk Amino Acid Water Skin Whitening Mask must be stocked up! The last time I bought it, I liked it very much. The golden silk cocoon extract can enhance the elasticity of the skin. The essence inside is very thick and thick, so it feels particularly moisturizing when applied, and it obviously feels moisturizing and moisturizing, so it will always be included in the stocking list!
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# 夏日清凉 #
夏天敷上冰冰凉凉的面膜绝对是享受!韩国JM SOLUTION 蚕丝氨基酸水肌美白面膜肯定要囤货!上次买了很喜欢,黄金蚕茧提取物可以增强肌肤弹性,里面的精华非常粘稠厚实,所以敷上去特别紧锁水分的感觉,明显感觉到滋润保湿,所以会一直列入囤货清单的!