# 日本逛吃图鉴 # Look at the Japanese D-PLUS natural yeast long-lasting fresh-keeping bread in the Olympic Bread series. The maple syrup taste is very exotic. It is a sweet honey taste, but because it is maple honey, the taste is slightly cooler. It is accompanied by the aroma of wheat. , is also fragrant and soft and delicious!
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 看奥运之面包系列的日本D-PLUS 天然酵母持久保鲜面包里,枫蜜味很有异国风情啊,是甜的蜂蜜味,但是因为是枫树的蜜,所以口味稍微清冽一点,配上麦香,也是香香软软好吃的!