# 日本逛吃图鉴 # Look at the Japanese D-PLUS natural yeast long-lasting fresh-keeping bread series for the Olympic hunger strike, why each taste has its own characteristics and is delicious, it is really strange, maybe because the bread is added with natural yeast, it is a long time Made of low-temperature fermentation process, the lactic acid bacteria generated by fermentation make the bread soft and delicious, and can effectively supplement the amino acids, vitamins, etc. needed by the human body, so it can lock in the deliciousness. This red bean milk cream is healthy and delicious with a strong red bean flavor!
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 看奥运抵饿之日本D-PLUS 天然酵母持久保鲜面包系列里为啥每个口味都各有特点都挺好吃的,真是奇了怪了,也许是因为面包添加了天然的酵母,是长时间低温发酵工艺制成的,发酵生成的乳酸菌让面包又松软又好吃,还能有效地补充人体所需的氨基酸,维生素等等,所以可以锁住美味。这款红豆乳奶油味就带着浓厚的红豆香味又健康又好吃!