# 日本逛吃图鉴 # All kinds of biscuits from BOURBON, Japan are super delicious. This small package of mini French butter cookies is a very fragrant, cute and delicious. It looks cute and cute. It feels like eating an exquisite afternoon tea. After three or two bites, it is finished, crispy and fragrant!
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 日本BOURBON波路梦的各种小饼干都超级好吃。这小包迷你法式黄油曲奇就是特别香浓的一款又可爱又好吃,看着就萌萌哒,觉得自己像在吃精致的下午茶,三口两口就吃完了,又酥又香意犹未尽!