# 日本逛吃图鉴 # I recommend this Japanese UHA UHA flavored soda-flavored juice-filled gummy. It's really delicious. The first thing you feel when you put it in your mouth is the soda flavor. In the middle of the soft glutinous sugar is a Q-bomb sandwich. , very chewy, very wonderful feeling, when my mouth doesn't want to be idle, I throw a candy in it and slowly aftertaste, chewing while watching the Olympics 😃
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 推荐这个日本UHA悠哈味觉糖汽水味果汁夹心软糖,真的很好吃的呢,一放进嘴里先感受到的真的是汽水味,软糯的糖中间是Q弹的夹心果汁粒,很有咬劲儿,非常奇妙的感觉,嘴巴不想闲着的时候就扔一颗糖进去慢慢地回味,一边看奥运一边嚼😃