# 日本逛吃图鉴 # When watching the Olympic Games, chew this Japanese UHA Yuha-flavored grape-flavored fruit juice jelly, known as the sugar in the sugar! The fruit juice granules in the center are very smooth, and the grape flavor is quite strong. At first, it feels hard and hard. After chewing, I feel that the fruity fragrance is overflowing and soft and sticky. It is very candy on the top!
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 看奥运的时候嚼嚼这个号称糖中糖的日本UHA悠哈味觉糖葡萄味果汁夹心软糖!夹心的果汁粒很Q弹,葡萄味挺浓的,刚开始觉得硬硬的,嚼着嚼着就觉得果香四溢软糯Q弹了,很是上头的糖果啊!