# 日本逛吃图鉴 # I really like all kinds of tofu from Morinaga’s Japanese family. They taste good, have a long storage time and have no preservatives. This nutritious old tofu is suitable for all kinds of tofu dishes. Whether it is Mapo tofu, cold tofu and tofu soup, it is delicious. Delicious and smooth, really recommend!
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 很喜欢日本MORINAGA森永家的各种豆腐,口味好,储存时间长还无防腐剂,这款营养老豆腐就适合做各种豆腐的菜,无论是麻婆豆腐凉拌豆腐煮豆腐汤都好吃,鲜美爽滑,真的推荐!