# 日本逛吃图鉴 # The reason why I fell in love with Japan's Morinaga series of tofu is that it tastes natural and authentic without beany flavor, no matter how you cook it, it is delicious, and it has no preservatives and has a long shelf life. The same is true of this preservative-free and nutritious old tofu. It is delicious and invincible whether it is fried or stewed. Every time you place an order, you will buy a few boxes for storage.
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 爱上日本MORINAGA森永系列豆腐的原因就是味道天然正宗没有豆腥味,无论怎么烹饪都好吃,而且没有防腐剂还有很长的保质期,不像超市买来的,不吃很快会过期。这款无防腐剂营养老豆腐也是一样,无论煎炒炖汤都鲜美无敌,每次下单都会顺带买几盒储存。