# 日本逛吃图鉴 # Japan's Meiji Meiji Marshmallows are delicious in all flavors! The grape flavor is also very pleasing, and it is also made into a cute shape of purple grapes. When you hold it in your hand, you smell the grape flavor as if you are eating real grapes. It tastes like a whole bag of QQ. Just finished eating, but still not satisfied!
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# 日本逛吃图鉴 # 日本MEIJI明治果汁软糖各种口味都是棒棒的!葡萄味也是很讨喜的,加上还做成一粒一粒紫葡萄的可爱形状,拿在手上闻到葡萄味就好像在吃真的葡萄一样,吃起来QQ的不知不觉一整包就吃完了,还意犹未尽!